Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Longest Mileage YET!!! 10 Miles

I do not have much time to type on here because I am going to be so busy today. This past Saturday I was able to run 10 miles. Yes, I said it, 10 MILES!!! I have never ran that much in my entire life. Maybe over the time span of a week or so while I was in athletics, but never on my own!

I started out running 2.5 miles away from my house and then did 2.5 miles back. That gave me a total of 5 miles. When I got back to my house I refueled my body with water, gatorade, and some GU chomps (my new favorite energy supplement). 

I really like the Cranberry Apple. They do not taste near as liquidy going down my throat. The regular GU's are hard for me to get down.

After I refueled my body, I went back out for another 2.5 miles out and in. I was able to run most of it pretty well, but I did have to walk some because my knees would get the better of me at times. The roads that I run on are not flat at all and are very bumpy, which is good, because the race that I am training for has worse streets then that.

At the 9th mile, this is what I was looking at...
This was the last mile I had to go to get back home. My legs felt like lead whenever I was running that and I knew I could do it, just not very fast. The sun was already up and it was not yet hot, but it was getting warmer. Surprisingly I was not sweating that much, and I usually always am.

Did I make it back home you ask? 

After 2:17 minutes and 31 seconds, yes I made it back home. I stay pretty consisitent with a 11-11.5 min. page. I know that is pretty slow for most people, but I am happy with it, and I am running longer then most people. I am not running this half to prove to anybody but myself that I can run a half marathon!

YES!! I did it. My longest mileage yet!! I am so excited about this.  
Right after my run. I was not that sweaty because thank the good lord, he gave me cool weather to run with that Sat. and that a bunch of humidity and nasty hot weather!
In a couple of weeks I was informed by my schedule, that I have to run 12 miles. I am not even sure where I am going to run to get 12 miles done! I am still trying to figure that at.

It should make for an interesting run though!


misszippy said...

Congratulations and welcome to double digits! It's just a taste of things to come, I'm sure.

Kayla said...

Thanks so much! I am happy to be in the group of double digits! It was not easy! I am sure it is just the way it taste, but I still like the chomps as my all time favorite...unless something else comes along! haha

Karen Seal said...

You were informed by your schedule(r) that you had to run 12 miles! LOL JUST KIDDING! :0)

Great job on the 10 miles, Kayla! If we can keep that pace up for Jazz, we'll do great!! Woohoo!

Kayla said...

hahaha okay whatever you say! 12 miles is next week! That should be an interesting one to run!!! We will do great no matter what in the Jazz!