Okay runners out there. I have a huge question/favor!
I have been running for almost 2 years and it will be 1 year in October since my first half marathon. So, I have a little experience, but I know there is so much more that I can learn over time.
The past couple of months I have been running here and there and I am now on a strict schedule for my half marathon training.
On my run today, the side/inside of my feet started to hurt, like a blister was forming, but I didn't do anything about it until I got home. Once home, I realized that I not only had one, but 2 blisters. I had one on each foot in almost the same exact place.
Here is my dilemma. I am not wanting to buy new shoes just yet, because I am getting ready for school and there are things I need to purchase before shoes and these do not even have that much milage on them. (Plus, I am debating about getting some vibrams. More on that later). I have already changed my socks...thicker, thinner, and everything in between. I have also checked my shoes and there is nothing in my shoe that would be rubbing my foot there. I have also tried blister band aids, but those fall off during my run.
Do you think I need to change the insole to a different one?....What would you suggest?
I am seriously at a loss here and am not sure what to try! Anything suggestions I am willing to try!
I'm no expert, but I use bodyglide on my feet in areas where blisters usually pop up for me. I used to get blisters during long runs really bad, and this has seemed to help.
I get blisters there sometimes in extreme humidity/heat just because I'm sweating so much. definitely try some kind of body glide there!
I use body glide and I also bought separate insoles for my shoes to help track my knees properly and help with my over pronation.
Oh girl, I'm no help to you at all since I'm not much of a runner. Hopefully you can get this figured out! Sounds painful. :(
I am prone to blisters, no matter what shoe I'm in, once I get over 10 miles. I liberally apply sports shield (like it much better than body glide) before I put on my socks.
I agree with everyone else, it's most definitely the heat/sweat causing them. Maybe loosening your laces will help against the rubbing a bit... otherwise I'd go with the body glide stuff, even though I've never used it.
Kayla - I buy the Sports Shield at RunningWarehouse.com (free shipping). I don't know if it's available in "real" stores - I haven't really looked. Here's what I get: http://www.runningwarehouse.com/descpage-2TOMROLL.html
I've also been looking at the powder, but haven't tried it yet: http://www.runningwarehouse.com/descpage-2TOMP8.html
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